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Small yellow button

Small yellow button

Chrysocephalum apiculatum

Family: Asteraceae

Small, perennial daisy growing to 50cm in height. The foliage displays a grey appearance due to a dense covering of fine hairs on the leaves and stems. The bright yellow flowers are formed in a cluster of rounded heads at the ends of the branchlets. They have no petals.

This pretty plant can be found all throughout Australia. In Central Australia, it is found in a variety of sites including sand dunes, sandy riverbanks, alluvial flats and drainage depressions.

An excellent plant for the home garden, it is reliable, adaptable to many soil conditions and has a long flowering period.

Where to find this plant at Alice Springs Desert Park

These plants are found in all areas of the park including the habitats and visitor centre courtyard.

Urban, A., 2001. Wildflowers and Plants of Inland Australia, Paul Fitzsimons, Alice Springs
Vinter, A., 2012. The Alice Springs Bush Regeneration Handbook, Andy Vinter, Alice Springs

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